这是一道小米 2018 校招算法工程师的编程题目,类似与正则表达式匹配,但是该题不能使用 Python,因此需要自己实现这个简单的匹配,题目如下:
, 两个字符串均由小写字母构成,找出text
中字符都出现在该子字符串,并且顺序不变,这些字符中间可以有其他字符出现,不要求连续。 样例输入格式为两个字符串,用空格隔开,输出为最短的匹配字符串的前后索引,用空格隔开,如果不存在这样的字符串,那么输出 -1, -1. 样例输入: axxxbcaxbcaxxbc abc abcd x axxxbaxbab ab 样例输出: 6 9 -1 -1 8 9
这道题目的思路是依次遍历 text
, 如果 pattern
的第一个字符被找到,那么从当前位置的下一个位置开始遍历 text
找 pattern
的最后一个字符被找到,或者遍历 text
也未找到 pattern
中所有字符串。 每找到这样的一个子字符串,就记录该字符串前后的索引,如果子字符串长度等于pattern
,此时我们已经找到最短匹配,停止继续搜索;如果从 text
某个位置开始,未找到匹配 pattern
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
string text, pattern;
// posInPattern mean the next search character in pattern
// posInText means the next pos the search start
int dfs(int posInPattern, int posInText){
if (posInPattern == (int)pattern.size()){
return posInText-1;
int endID = -1;
for (int i = posInText; i != (int)text.size(); ++i){
if (text[i] == pattern[posInPattern]){
endID = dfs(posInPattern+1, i+1);
return endID;
int main(){
cin >> text >> pattern;
int lenText = (int)text.size();
int lenPattern = (int)pattern.size();
vector<pair<int, int>> records;
for (int i = 0; i <= lenText-lenPattern; ++i){
if (text[i] == pattern[0]){
int end = dfs(1, i+1);
if (end != -1){
records.push_back(make_pair(i, end));
}// if no matching substring are found starting from current
//position, then no substring can be found after this position.
if (records.empty()) {// if no matching substring is found
cout << "-1 -1\n";
else{ // if mathcing substring is found, then select the shortest one.
int begin = records[0].first, end = records[0].second;
for (auto it = records.begin()+1; it != records.end(); ++it){
if (it->second - it->first < end - begin){
begin = it->first;
end = it->second;
cout << begin << " " << end << '\n';
return 0;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string text, pattern;
cin >> text >> pattern;
int lenText = (int)text.size();
int lenPattern = (int)pattern.size();
vector<pair<int, int>> record;
for (int i = 0; i <= lenText-lenPattern; ++i){
if (text[i] != pattern[0]){
int j = i+1; // next search position in text
int k = 1; // next search character in pattern
while (j < lenText && k < lenPattern){
if (text[j] == pattern[k]){
// if we found the string
if (k == lenPattern){
record.push_back(make_pair(i, j-1));
else{ break;} // we cann't find any string after, so break
if (records.empty()) {// if no matching substring is found
cout << "-1 -1\n";
else{ // if mathcing substring is found, then select the shortest one.
int begin = records[0].first, end = records[0].second;
for (auto it = records.begin()+1; it != records.end(); ++it){
if (it->second - it->first < end - begin){
begin = it->first;
end = it->second;
cout << begin << " " << end << '\n';
return 0;