Some words are hard to type, it is handy if Neovim can provide auto-completion for the words we are typing. We can achieve word completion in Neovim in two ways.
Native method#
The first method is to use a dictionary file. The dictionary file is a text file which contains plain English words, usually one word a line. In the Neovim config file, add the following settings for dictionary option:
if has('unix')
set dictionary+=/usr/share/dict/words
set dictionary+=~/AppData/Local/nvim/words
For Linux systems, the dictionary file is usually /usr/share/dict/words
. For
Windows, there is no dictionary file. But you can copy the Linux dict file and
place it under ~/AppData/Local/nvim/
Then start editing a file, type the first several characters of a word, then
is cumbersome. You can add the following setting to
complete option:
set complete+=k
Now, in insert mode, you can press <CTRL-N>
to start auto-completion and move
selection to next word in the completion menu, while pressing <CTRL-P>
move the selection to the previous word.
Use deoplete for completion#
The second method is to install
deoplete-spell. If you have
installed deoplete, the only setting
you need is :set spell
. Then you should be able to see the autocompletion
menu when you start typing characters.
There is also a plugin called neco-look
which uses the look
command on Linux system to provide auto-completion. But
it does not work natively on Windows.