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Converting Markdown to Beautiful PDF with Pandoc

··2816 words·6 mins·
Tools Pandoc Sublime-Text PDF Markdown Font LaTeX Unicode
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  • 2022-07-19: Add build method via neovim

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Over the past few years, I have been using some dedicated note-taking software to manage my notes. However, all these tools I have tried are unsatisfactory: they are either slow or cumbersome in terms of note searching. Finally, I decided to take my notes in Markdown and convert them to PDF using Pandoc for reading. In this post, I will summarize how I do it.

Taking our notes in Markdown format has several benefits:

  • We can edit the Markdown files with our favorite editor, for example, neovim, Sublime Text, which means more efficient editing and pleasant writing experience.
  • Since a Markdown file is a textual file, we can search it using powerful tool such as grep or ripgrep.
  • We can covert the Markdown files to various formats such as PDF, HTML, epub, mobi etc., for better reading experience, with the help of Pandoc.
  • The notes are all text files and are small in size, which means easier and faster syncing or backup between your native PC and the cloud service.

In this post, I would like to share how to generate beautiful PDF files from Markdown. I will also give solutions to the issues I have encountered during the process.


Before we begin, we need to make sure that the following tools are installed:

  • First, Pandoc. After installation, you should add the path of the Pandoc executable to the system PATH.
  • TeX distribution. Please make sure that TeX has been installed on your system. You can use either TeX Live or MiKTeX or MacTeX base on your platform. You may need to set up the PATH variable1.
  • A powerful text editor. One of my favorite is Neovim. You can also choose to use VS Code or Sublime Text.

Generating PDF from Markdown with Pandoc


For those who are not familiar with Pandoc, Pandoc is a powerful tool for converting document between different formats. It is called the Swiss knife of document converter. There are actually two steps involved in converting a Markdown file to a PDF file:

  1. The Markdown source file is converted to a LaTeX source file.
  2. Pandoc invokes the pdflatex or xelatex or other TeX command and converts the .tex source file to a PDF file.

When converting Markdown to LaTeX, pandoc uses a template file. We can run command pandoc -D latex |less to check the template file used.

Because I often use non-ASCII characters, quotations, tables, and other complex elements in my Markdown files, I have met a few problems during the conversion process. In the following sections of this post, I will share how to solve these issues.

How to Handle Languages other than English

By default, Pandoc uses pdflatex to generate PDF files, which can not handle Unicode characters well. We will encounter errors when we convert Markdown files containing Unicode characters to PDF files.

In order to handle Unicode characters, we need to use xelatex instead. For the CJK languages, we need to use CJKmainfont option to specify the proper font that supports the language we are using2. In this post, I will use the Chinese language as an example.

On Windows systems, for Pandoc 2.0 and above, we can use the following command to generate the PDF file:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex -V CJKmainfont="KaiTi" -o test.pdf

In the above command, KaiTi is the name of a font that supports the Chinese. How do we find a font supporting a particular language? First, we need to know the language code for the language in use. For example, the language code for Chinese is zh. Then, use fc-list command to look up the fonts that support this language3:

fc-list :lang=zh

The output of this command is like the following:

The font name is the string after the font location. Since a font name may contain spaces, we need to quote it when we want to use a particular font, e.g., -V CJKmainfont="Source Han Serif CN".

In Pandoc version 2.0, --pdf-engine option replaces the old --latex-engine option. On Linux systems where the Pandoc version is old, the above command will not work. We need to use the following command instead4:

pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex -V mainfont='WenQuanYi Micro Hei' -o test.pdf

On Linux, the way to find the font supporting your language is the same as Windows.

Issues and techniques

Debug issues effectively

As discussed in the previous section, markdown to PDF is a two-step process. The key to get what we want is to directly check the intermediate LaTeX file that pandoc generates. Then we can patch or update the command that pandoc uses.

To check the generated LaTeX file, we can add the -s (means standalone) and output LaTeX instead:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex \
    --highlight-style kate \
    --table-of-contents \
    --number-sections \
    -s \ -o test.tex

Add title, author and date info

Pandoc supports adding these info via its YAML header extension. We can easily add the document title, author and date info like this:

title: "My demo title"
author: "jdhao"
date: 2021-06-27

Block quote, table and list are not correctly rendered

The reason is that Pandoc requires that you leave an empty line before block quote, list and table environment.

If the lines in the block quote are not correctly broken, i.e., all the lines are merged as one paragraph, we can add a space after each line to solve this issue.

Add highlight to block code

Pandoc supports block code syntax highlighting for many languages and offers several highlight themes. To list the highlight themes that Pandoc provides, run the following command:

pandoc --list-highlight-styles

To list all the languages that Pandoc supports, run the following command:

pandoc --list-highlight-languages

To use syntax highlighting for different languages, we need to specify the language in the block quote and use --highlight-style, e.g.,:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style zenburn -o test.pdf

In the above command, we use the zenburn theme, I also recommend using the tango or breezedark theme.

Add numbered sections and TOC

By default, there is no table of contents (TOC) in the generated PDF and no numbers in the headers5. To add TOC, use the --toc option; to add section numbers, use the -N option. A complete example is as follows:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --toc -N -o test.pdf

Add colors to links#

According to the Pandoc user guide, we can add colors to different links via the colorlinks option:

colorlinks add color to link text; automatically enabled if any of linkcolor, filecolor, citecolor, urlcolor, or toccolor are set

To customize the color of different types of links, Pandoc offers different options:

linkcolor, filecolor, citecolor, urlcolor, toccolor color for internal links, external links, citation links, linked URLs, and links in table of contents, respectively: uses options allowed by xcolor, including the dvipsnames, svgnames, and x11names lists

For example, to set the URL color to NavyBlue and set the TOC color to red, we can use the following command:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex -V colorlinks -V urlcolor=NavyBlue -V toccolor=red -o test.pdf

Note that the urlcolor option will not color the raw URL links in the text. To color those raw links, you can enclose those links with <>, e.g., <>.

Change the PDF margin

The default margin for the generated PDF is too large. According to the Pandoc FAQ, you can use the following option to change the margin:

-V geometry:"top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm"

The complete command is:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex -V geometry:"top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm" -o test.pdf

Error when using backslash inside Markdown

In ordinary Markdown format, it is fine to use backslash characters inside the files. However, Pandoc interpret the backslash and string after it as LaTeX command by default. As a result, you may encounter weird errors when trying to compile Markdown files containing backslash characters. Based on discussions here and here, the solution is to make Pandoc treat the Markdown file as normal Markdown files and not interpret the LaTeX command. You need to add the following flag:

pandoc -f markdown-raw_tex

Or you can use two backslash to represent a literal backslash, e.g., \\sometxt. If you want to express a LaTeX command, enclose the command with inline code block, like this: \textt{}.

Add background color to inline code

In translating Markdown source file to TeX files, Pandoc use the \texttt{} command to represent the inline code. So inline code has no background color in the generated PDF files. To increase the readability of inline code, we can modify the \texttt command to add background color to text.

First, we need to create a file named head.tex and add the following settings to it:

% change background color for inline code in
% markdown files. The following code does not work well for
% long text as the text will exceed the page boundary


When converting Markdown files, use the -H option to refer the head.tex file, e.g.,:

pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex -H head.tex -o test.pdf

In the generated PDF, the inline code will have grey background color.

Change the default style of block quote

By default, when converting Markdown to PDF, Pandoc use the quote environment for Markdown block quotes. The texts inside quotation are only indented, making it hard to recognize the environment.

We can create a custom environment to add background color and indentation to the quotation environment. Add the following setting to head.tex:

% change style of quote, see also


% change left border:
% change left margin:
    frame hidden,
    sharp corners=all,
    borderline west={2pt}{0pt}{bordercolor},

% redefine quote environment to use the myquote environment, see

When you want to convert Markdown file to PDF, you can use the following command:

pandoc -H head.tex -o test.pdf

The produced PDF is like the following:


Tricks: put the settings to head.tex

You may have noticed the clumsiness if you try to customize a lot of settings. When converting Markdown to PDF, we often need to use several settings. If we specify all these options on the command line, it would be time consuming and cumbersome to edit. A good way to ease the issue is to put some settings to head.tex and refer to this file during Markdown file conversion.

For example, we can put the settings related to margin, inline code highlighting to head.tex:

Click to see the code.
\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}

% change background color for inline code in
% markdown files. The following code does not work well for
% long text as the text will exceed the page boundary


Nested list level exceed the limit

One reader Karl Liu mentioned that if the nested list level exceeds 6, you will encounter the following error when trying to generate PDF file:

! LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested.

More detailed discussions can be found here. The solution proposed is to add the following settings in head.tex:

Click to see the code.



Add anchors in Markdown

I try to use anchors in Markdown following the discussion here. Unfortunately, in the generated PDF, the anchor does not work: when I click the linking text, there is no jump to the destination page.

Instead, we should use the attribute to give an id to the location we want to jump to, and refer to it in other places using the id. Here is an example:

## head 2 {#my_head2}

Please click [here](#my_head2) to go to head 2.

How to resize image

We can also resize images using the attribute. We can specify width or height in absolute pixel values or as percentage relative to the page or column width. For example:

you can use absolute pixel values

![test image](test.jpg){width=128px}

or you can use relative value to the page or column width

![test image](test.jpg){width=90%}

How to start a new page for each section

By default, when we generate PDF from Markdown files, each section started by the level 1 header does not start from a new page. It will continue from where the last section ends. If we want to start a new page when a new section starts, we need to add the following settings to head.tex according to this:


But when I tried to produce PDF with the updated head.tex files, I got an error:

! Argument of \paragraph has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.1290 \ttl@extract\paragraph

pandoc: Error producing PDF

According to discussions here, it is because Pandoc’s default LaTeX redefines the \pragraph command. We have to disable this behaviour. We need to use -V subparagraph when invoking the pandoc command:

pandoc -V subparagraph -o file.pdf

Start a new page only after TOC

What if we only want to add a new page after the table of contents page? An easy way is to hack the \tableofcontents command. Add the following command to head.tex to redefine \tableofcontents command:


In the above command, we first save the old command and then redefine it to avoid recursive calls.

Line breaks

In Markdown, you can create a hard linebreak by appending two spaces after a line:


Using space at the line end for formatting is annoying since it causes the trailing whitespace warning. The space characters are also not visible.

Pandoc also provides an escaped_line_breaks extension. You can use \ in the end of a line followed by newline character to represent a hard line break:


Images references

Pandoc supports LaTeX command inside Markdown, to refer to an image, we can use the LaTeX syntax:

![my great image\label{fig-my-great-img}](image_great.jpg)

In Fig.\ref{fig-my-great-img}, I show a great image.

Generate PDF using Sublime Text build system

It is cumbersome to switch to the terminal and use Pandoc to generate the PDF files and preview it after finishing writing the Markdown files. To simply the process, I use the Sublime Text build system for building PDF file and previewing. I use the light-weight Sumatra PDF reader for PDF previewing.

An example build system is shown below:

Click to see the code.
    "shell_cmd": "pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style=zenburn -V colorlinks -V CJKmainfont=KaiTi \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}.pdf\" ",
    "file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
    "working_dir": "${file_path}",
    "selector": "text.html.markdown",

            "name": "Convert to PDF and Preview",
            "shell_cmd": "pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style=zenburn -V colorlinks  -V CJKmainfont=KaiTi \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}.pdf\"  &&SumatraPDF \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}.pdf\" ",
            // "shell_cmd":   "start \"$file_base_name\" call $file_base_name"

You can download the build system and head.tex file here. An updated version of head.tex can be found here.

Pandoc is not recognized on Windows systems

For some reasons unknown to me, when using the above build systems to compile Markdown files, I encountered the following errors:

‘pandoc’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

After looking up the Sublime Text documentation, I find that we can add path in the build system. So I adjust the above build system:

Click to see the code.
    "shell_cmd": "pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style=zenburn -V colorlinks -V CJKmainfont=\"Source Han Serif SC\" \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}.pdf\" ",
    "path": "C:/Users/east/AppData/Local/Pandoc/;%PATH%",
    "file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$",
    "working_dir": "${file_path}",
    "selector": "text.html.markdown",

            "name": "Convert to PDF and Preview",
            "shell_cmd": "pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex --highlight-style=zenburn -V colorlinks  -V CJKmainfont=\"Source Han Serif SC\" \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}.pdf\"  &&SumatraPDF \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}.pdf\" ",
            "path": "C:/Users/east/AppData/Local/Pandoc/;%PATH%",
            // "shell_cmd":   "start \"$file_base_name\" call $file_base_name"

After that, everything goes well.

Generate PDF via Neovim

We can also define a command to generate and preview the PDF via Neovim. For the details, see this commit.


In this post, I give a complete summary on how to generate beautiful PDF files from Markdown. I also share several solutions to the issues I have encountered. I hope that you can now generate beautiful PDF from Markdown files.


  1. Make sure that you can use latex command on the command line. ↩︎

  2. For other languages, you need to use --mainfont option. ↩︎

  3. For Windows system, you can use fc-list command after installing the TeX Live full edition. For Linux systems, this command is usually pre-installed. ↩︎

  4. Tested on Pandoc version ↩︎

  5. Only the font size varies for different header levels. ↩︎


纯文本做笔记 --- 使用 Pandoc 把 Markdown 转为 PDF 文件
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