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Essential Knowledge about SSH

·964 words·5 mins·
Technique Ssh
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Although I use SSH (secure shell) every day, I seem to know little about it except the fact that I can use ssh command to log into my remote servers. Recently, I found myself some time to learn how does it work.

Preliminary knowledge


In computing, a fingerprint is a shorter sequence representation of a longer message which can be used to identified the original message. For example, in SSH, when you connect to the server, you will get the server public key fingerprint. Then you can compare the fingerprint you have received with the real server fingerprint (e.g., you may have obtained the server public key fingerprint by contacting the administrator) to make sure that you are not being attacked by hackers and connecting the wrong server.

Cryptographic hash function

To produce such a fingerprint and ensure security, we need to use cryptographic hash functions. A cryptographic hash functions has good properties. It makes sure that same message always produce the same output and different messages produce different output. It also makes sure that you can not deduce the original message from the output. These good properties make it suitable for authentification purposes. You may have probably used it before when you check the integrity of files using md5sum or similar tools.

MD5 and SHA1 are different hash function algorithms to generate a fingerprint. The complete list of hash functions can be found here.

SSH to a server

Two ways to log in a server when using SSH:

  • use your user name and password
  • use ssh public key authentification

Server public key verification

When we first log in a server, we will be prompted that the authenticity of the server can not established, and we are shown the fingerprint of the server’s public key. The typical message is like the following:

The authenticity of host 'xxx.xx.xx.xx (xx.xx.xx.xx)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:zJsEufeAsutfxsZH990Sq7asIBnJvz6B9N63g0/Rx5w.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?

In the above message, ECDSA is a type of signature algorithm used to verify the identity of the two sides of a communication. Other signature algorithms include DSA, RSA and ED25519.

To make sure that the public key of the server is true, you have to check via other methods. For example, if you have access to the server in other more secure ways, you can check the fingerprint of the server’s ECDSA public key2 with SHA hash function using the following command:

ssh-keygen -lf -E sha256 /etc/ssh/

If you want to check the fingerprint of the server in MD5 format, use the following command instead:

# MD5
ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf <fileName>

Then you can compare the fingerprint of the server public key against the fingerprint you have received. If the two fingerprints match, you are actually logging to the right server. Otherwise, you may be under attack by hacker (see man-in-the-middle-attack ).

If you have verified the identity of the new server and choose to connect, the server’s IP and public key will be stored in the file .ssh/known_hosts3 under your HOME directory. The next time you connect to the server, the server’s public key will be compared with the public key stored in known_hosts to make sure that your connection to the server is secure.

Usually you will encounter the unauthorized warning the first time you log in a server. If you encounter the warning the second time, it may be that the server has changed its public key or you are under attack.

Set up public key login

As stated earlier, we can also set up public key login. First, we need to generate a private and public key pair using ssh-keygen. We can use -t to specify the type of key to create, e.g., dsa, ecdsa, rsa. We can use the following command to generate a ecdsa key pair:

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa

It will prompt you to enter a key file name and the passphrase for the private key. You can press Enter to use the default values. The key pair will be created under $HOME/.ssh. The private key file is id_ecdsa and the public key file is You must keep your private key safe. The public key can be safely shown to others.

Transfer your public key to server

To enable host public key login, you must put your public key under the $HOME/.ssh directory in the remote server. There are two ways.

  • Copy public key manually: Copy the content of the public key. Log in to your server and paste the public key to the file $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys (if this file does not exist, create the file first.).

  • Use ssh-copy-id: In some systems, there is tool called ssh-copy-id which an copy the content of the public key to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys in the host server. You can use the following command to copy the public key to the server:

ssh-copy-id user@host_ip

login to the server

After setting up public key login, you can log in to the server without using password:

ssh -p xxx user@host_ip

The server will verify if the public key under user’s directory corresponds your private key. If they match, you will log in to the server automatically.


  1. SHA has three algorithms in series, SHA-1, SHA-2 and SHA-3. SHA-1 is old, and the other two are newer. ↩︎

  2. The public keys of the host server are stored in /etc/ssh directory, for example:,,↩︎

  3. To check the format of known_hosts file, see man 7 sshd↩︎


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