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Building A Vim Statusline from Scratch

··815 words·4 mins·
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I have been using vim-airline to customize my statusline ever since I started using Neovim. It works great. Recently, I started a repo named minimal_vim to create a minimal configuration without external plugins for both Vim and Neovim. During the process, I learned how to build a custom statusline from scratch.

The primary source of my reference is the Vim help on statusline (see : h 'statusline'). It is well written and should give you enough knowledge on building a simple statusline.

The Vim statusline consists of a number of items with special format to indicate what we want to show and how they should be styled, e.g., width, color, alignment, padding etc.

Statusline item format

Usually, the statusline consists of multiple printf style % items for showing various info about current file, e.g., %F is used to show the full path of current file. The complete format for items are as follows:

  • - means to align the item to the left instead of right (the default).
  • 0 is the leading zeros for items that return numeric numbers and is overridden by -.
  • minWidth and maxWidth decide the min and max length of the item to be shown.

All fields are optional except {item} itself.

Good conventions: build statusline bit by bit

Since we will use several items to build our statusline, the best practice is to concatenate the various components to build a statusline (also see :h set+=) instead of using a single long strings to set up the statusline. Building the statusline incrementally make it easier to understand and edit.

For example, we use the following

set statusline=
" show full file path
set statusline+=%F
" show current line number
set statusline+=%l

Show the result of functions or an expression

Vim provides some default items to show info about current file, but that may not be enough. We may want to show the result of a function or show strings based on some conditions. Vim use %{} to evaluate functions or expressions and show the returned strings in statusline.

To show the current mode in statusline, we can use the following setting:

let g:currentmode={
       \ 'n'  : 'NORMAL ',
       \ 'v'  : 'VISUAL ',
       \ 'V'  : 'V·Line ',
       \ "\<C-V>" : 'V·Block ',
       \ 'i'  : 'INSERT ',
       \ 'R'  : 'R ',
       \ 'Rv' : 'V·Replace ',
       \ 'c'  : 'Command ',

set statusline=
set statusline+=\ %{toupper(g:currentmode[mode()])}

Based on which mode we are in, the statusline will change automatically.

To show a modified sign [+] based on whether current file has been modified, we can use the following setting:

set statusline+=%{&modified?'[+]':''}

Using group

Group is used to set width and alignment for several elements as a whole. We start a group with ( and end it with %), i.e., (group_element%). For example, to show file format, we may use the following setting:

set statusline+=%-7([%{&fileformat}]%)

The above group has min width 7 and is left-aligned.

Using highlight groups

Ever wondering how to show different colors for different parts of the statusline? It is simple: use highlight groups.

There are two slightly different ways to use highlight.

Use a highlight group name

The first way is to use the name of a highlight group. We can check what highlight groups are available using :highlight command. For example, to use highlight group Warnings, we can use the following setting:

set statusline+=%#Warnings#
set statusline+=%{&bomb?'[BOM]':''}

The highlight group will take effect from the point it is used in statusline. To switch a highlight, we just need to provide another highlight group at the desired position (which means that if you do not switch it, any later element in statusline use that highlight group).

Use special user defined highlight groups

Vim also allows us to define 9 special highlight groups named from User1 to User9 and refer to them in statusline with a special syntax like the following:

" use highlight group User2
set statusline+=%2*

First, we need to define the needed user highlight group:

hi User1 ctermfg=0 ctermbg=114
hi User2 ctermfg=114 ctermbg=0

Then we can use them in statusline settings. To return to the default Statusline colors, we can use:

set statusline+=%*

Common caveat to avoid

The most common error is failing to escape some special characters. Since space and | have special meanings (see also :h option-backslash), we need to use backslash to escape them to include a literal one. For example:

set statusline+=%{&filetype!=#''?&filetype.'\ ':'none\ '}

The above setting will show the current filetype followed by a space or none followed by space if filetype is empty.

% is also a special character. To include a literal % char, we need to use %%. For example, to show the percentage of current cursor position in the buffer, use:

set statusline+=%2p%%



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