I want to use a custom highlight group for yank highlighting.
Initially, I use the predefined highlight group IncSearch
. I thought it a bit
dim and want something brighter. So I defined the following highlight group:
highlight YankColor ctermfg=59 ctermbg=41 guifg=#34495E guibg=#2ECC71
Then, I use it in function vim.highlight.on_yank{}
augroup highlight_yank
au TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank{higroup="YankColor", timeout=700}
augroup END
However, when I started Neovim, the custom yank highlight did not work. The
output of :hi YankColor
YankColor xxx cleared
After digging up a bit, I find that it is because the colorscheme I use
(a variant of gruvbox) will use :hi clear
command to clear all custom
highlight and reset highlighting to the defaults (see here for example).
So my custom highlight does not work anymore. A solution is to use a special
event ColorScheme
which is triggered whenever we change the colorscheme. After changing the color
scheme, we redefine the custom highlight group:
augroup custom_highlight
au ColorScheme * highlight YankColor ctermfg=59 ctermbg=41 guifg=#34495E guibg=#2ECC71
augroup END
After using this autocmd, everything works as expected.