I usually use {num}Ctrl-6
to switch buffers in Neovim, where {num}
is the
number of buffer (see this post).
Since Neovim has built-in gt
mapping to switch between tabpages, I thought it
might be a good idea to use gb
as buffer switching shortcut avoid strech when
pressing Ctrl-6
Here is what I have got:
Click to show the code.
nnoremap <silent> gb :<C-U>call <SID>GoToBuffer(v:count, 'forward')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> gB :<C-U>call <SID>GoToBuffer(v:count, 'backward')<CR>
function! s:GoToBuffer(count, direction) abort
if a:count == 0
if a:direction ==# 'forward'
elseif a:direction ==# 'backward'
echoerr 'Bad argument ' a:direction
" Check the validity of buffer number.
if index(s:GetBufNums(), a:count) == -1
echohl WarningMsg | echomsg 'Invalid bufnr: ' a:count | echohl None
if a:direction ==# 'forward'
silent execute('buffer' . a:count)
function! s:GetBufNums() abort
let l:buf_infos = getbufinfo({'buflisted':1})
let l:buf_nums = map(l:buf_infos, "v:val['bufnr']")
return l:buf_nums
You can use gb
and gB
without count to switch forward and backward in the
buffer list. When provided with a count, gb
can also switch the buffer with
that number. For example, if we have buffer with number 6, press 6gb
normal mode will switch to that buffer.
Issues I have met#
Using count in mappings#
If we use a count before the mapping, and then execute some command, vim will
insert a range for this command automatically1. To prevent this, we use Ctrl-U
to delete the range inserted by Vim.
s:MyFunc or <SID>MyFunc#
Another issue is that we need to use call <SID>GoToBuffer
instead of call s:GoToBuffer
. The s:
notation only works if we are in the same script that
defines this function. When we execute the mapping, we are usually in other
files. If we use s:
notation, we get the following error:
> E81: Using <SID> not in a script context
See also Neovim help file on this topic (h <SID>
To verify, press a number, and then press
to enter command line mode. ↩︎