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A Better Mapping to Leave Insert Mode than jk

··757 words·2 mins·
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Update 2021-01-14: I ended up writing a plugin called better-escape.vim which aims at solving this issue.

A very popular insert mode mapping for Neovim/Vim is to map jk or kj or jj to <ESC> for quicker escaping from the insert mode. I have used the following mapping for quite some time:

inoremap jk <ESC>

However, it will cause lag whenever we press j in insert mode. Because Vim will wait for timeoutlen milliseconds to see if you want to enter j or if you mean the map jk.

Of course, you can reduce timeoutlen option to very small values, but it is not user-friendly to type mappings that consists of several key strokes. Before you can press the next key in your mapping, Vim may have already time out.

I saw on Reddit the other day that someone propose to check the character before the current one and leave insert mode based on some conditions. I thought this might be a better way. The idea is to have an insert mode mapping for k, when we press k, we then check the character before k. If that character is j, we will erase j and leave insert mode. Otherwise, we will insert k as is.

Here is a crude implementation of that idea:

scriptencoding utf-8

inoremap <expr> k EscapeInsertOrNot()

" some test text
function! EscapeInsertOrNot() abort
  " If k is preceded by j, then remove j and go to normal mode.
  let line_text = getline('.')
  let cur_ch_idx = CursorCharIdx()
  let pre_char = CharAtIdx(line_text, cur_ch_idx-1)
  echom 'pre_char is:' pre_char
  if pre_char ==# 'j'
    return "\b\e"
    return 'k'

" split(line_text, '\zs') can split string into separate char
"汉字测试这是一些汉字 some charjust
" byte index of 这 is 14 (using col('.'))

" let my_str = '你好吗'
" strcharpart(my_str, 0, 1) is the first char in my_str (it is like my_str[0] in Python)
" strcharpart(my_str, 1, 1) is the second char in my_str

" let ch = '你'
" byteidx(ch, 1) is the number of byte in UTF-8 encoding for ch (suppose
" that the character encoding is UTF-8)

function! CharAtIdx(str, idx) abort
  " Get char at idx from str. Note that this is based on character index
  " instead of the byte index.
  return strcharpart(a:str, a:idx, 1)

function! CursorCharIdx() abort
  " This function returns the character-based index for character under
  " cursor.

  " Get the character under cursor
  let line_text = getline('.')
  let cur_byte_idx = col('.')
  echo 'cur_byte_idx:' cur_byte_idx

  if cur_byte_idx == 1
    echomsg 'cursor char idx:' 0
    return 0

  " character index starts from zero
  let [ch_idx, byte_idx] = [-1, 0]

  for c in split(line_text, '\zs')
    let ch_idx += 1
    let byte_idx += byteidx(c, 1)
    echomsg ch_idx c byte_idx

    if byte_idx+1 == cur_byte_idx
      let pre_char = strcharpart(line_text, ch_idx, 1)
      echomsg 'pre char is:' pre_char 'pre char index:' ch_idx

      let cursor_char = strcharpart(line_text, ch_idx+1, 1)
      echomsg 'cursor char' cursor_char 'index:' ch_idx+1

      return ch_idx + 1

Note that the above script is a little complex, because we need to take non-ASCII characters into account. The function CursorCharIdx() is used to get the character index of the cursor char in the cursor line. I have tested that it works for pure ASCII text and text containing non-ASCII characters.

I feel that the function above to get the cursor char index is too complex. So I asked a question on stackexchange and got a more concise solution:

function! CursorCharIdx() abort
  " A more concise way to get character index under cursor.
  let cursor_byte_idx = col('.')
  if cursor_byte_idx == 1
    return 0

  let pre_cursor_text = getline('.')[:col('.')-2]
  return strchars(pre_cursor_text)

One issue is that if you want to insert jk literally, you can not just type j followed by k. It will be interpreted as escaping the insert mode. To insert k, we can press Ctrl-V, then press k. This works, because Vim will not consider character after Ctrl-v for mappings. See also :h i_CTRL-V for the details. Since I rarely use jk in my writing, I am fine with this issue.



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