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Configure Windows Terminal in 2021

··443 words·3 mins·
Tools Terminal
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After updating my Windows system to the latest version, I can finally use the new Windows Terminal.

How to install?

Directly install from GitHub binary release, link here.

Use git-bash in Windows Terminal

Install git for Windows. During installation, there is an option to create a profile for Windows terminal. Remember to tick it on.

Go check windows terminal settings, and choose Git Bash as the default profile.

Remove annoying flash

When I use Git-bash and press backspace, the whole screen flashes which is really annoying. Based on discussion here, we can add following conf to ~/.inputrc:

set bell-style none

Mouse does not work?

Update: 2022-08-26

I have noticed that when I ssh to remote server under git-bash in Windows Terminal, the mouse does not work. In the remote server, if I open a nvim instance, I can not use mouse to scroll even if I have enabled mouse support (set mouse=a). However, if I use PowerShell, everything works fine, not sure if related to this issue.

Key binding issues

How to Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v for copy and paste

Disable Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v for copy and paste

By default, Windows Terminal use these two key bindings for copy and paste text, which is annoying for Vim users, as they have different use cases in Vim.

To disable the default bindings for these two, press Ctrl + , to open the settings, and then click Open JSON file to open its config. In the action part, just use different key bindings for paste and copy or just delete the two settings:

{"command": { "action": "copy", "singleLine": false }, "keys": "ctrl+c" },
{ "command": "paste", "keys": "ctrl+v" }

Disable F11 for toggle full screen mode

By default, F11 is used by windows terminal to toggle full screen mode. To disable it, add the following to your action setting in the config JSON file:

{ "command": null, "keys": "f11" }


Unable to load a font?

I have set up JetBrainsMono NF as my default font. However, when I open Windows Terminal for the first time, it warns:

Unable to find the selected font “JetBrainsMono NF”

Similar issue has been reported here. The solution is to re-install the font and install it for every user instead of the current user.

Add a new colorscheme

This site contains a lot of custom colorschemes for windows Terminal. Press Get Theme to copy the theme configuration.

Then open Terminal config, and paste the theme config to the schemes section and restart Terminal.

There are also some themes here.


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