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How I Manage My Personal Blog

··664 words·4 mins·
Blog Hugo
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In this post-web2.0 age, people seem to blog less and less, and blogs seem to be dying slowly. People are separated in different Apps where the content is not searchable by search engines.

However, I still prefer to write using a blog. In this post, I want to share how I manage my blog.

Why I blog?

I run this blog site because I enjoy sharing knowledges or techniques I have learned. A lot of these knowledges are from blog posts of others, GitHub or Stack Overflow. Since I get these knowledges for free, I have a strong motivation to make what I have learned free for others. In a bigger sense, free exchange and access of ideas and knowledge makes the world a better place. This is also what FOSS is about.

Although some of the blog posts may only be helpful to myself, but who knows, I hope they will be helpful to someone else in some day.

What I write?

I usually share what I have learned during my work or my spare time. I write anything I am interested.

Occasionally, I also write about what I am reading, what I thought, etc.

When I write

I often save some notes about a topic or an idea in my free time. Later, when I have time, I will expand the notes to a full blog post. This way, I do not need to worry what to write. I always have something to share when I want to.

Tools I use for writing

All my blog posts are written in Markdown format with the help of the greatest editor neovim1. I use neovim because it is a highly configurable editor that no other editors can compete with.

I use snippet plugins to make writing posts quicker. For previewing, I use markdown-preview.nvim, which is the best previewer for Neovim. I have shared how I write and preview Markdown efficiently in this post.

I rarely insert images into my blog post since image links tend to break easily. So I try to explain things without using images as much as I can. If I need to use images in a post, I store the image in a cloud service and use the generated image links.

Static blog generator

I generate my blog using a static blog generator. Back in 2017 when I started this blog, I use Hexo. In Oct. 2018, I switched to Hugo for its high performance.

For comment system, I used Disqus for a long time. Recently, I have switched to use utterances, which is a lightweight comment system based on GitHub issues. You get all the power of GitHub issues for your blog comment.

Blog site hosting

For blog hosting, I am using the good-old GitHub pages service. I have not purchased a personal domain for my blog because I think that is irrelevant. It is the content of the blog that matters most. People often get a fancy domain for their blog, and they get tired and stop writing anything.

Post backup

In case that the post sources get lost, I have been backing up my posts periodically. Since all the blog posts are written in Markdown, I created a private GitHub repo to store the Markdown source files. I have created a backup script under the Hugo blog site root to ease the operation:

msg="backup `date`"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
  then msg="$1"

echo -e "\033[0;32mBackup posts to GitHub...\033[0m"

cd content/post
# here we start to add and commit the blog to github
git add .
git commit -m "$msg"

# push source to github
git push

echo -e "\033[0;32mBackup done...\033[0m"

# come back to blog root
cd ../..

Then I can run ./ to back up all my post sources.

  1. My nvim config is stored in this repo. If you use Hugo, you can set up the default content editor when running hugo new post content/↩︎


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