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Black Formatter Setup for Python Project

··371 words·2 mins·
Python Nvim
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This post is about how to set up black, the popular code formatter for Python projects.

Basic usage

Format the file inplace :


If we only want to check if the file needs reformat, we can use --check:

black --check

Show the diffs between old and new file if black were to reformat:

black --diff --color

skip formatting for some code

To skip formatting for a single line, you can add # fmt: skip at the end of the line. To skip formatting for a block of code, you need to add # fmt: off and # fmt:on before and after the block.


Black offers very little configuration. You can put the configuration inside pyproject.toml under the section []:

# The keys are the long option names what black accept on the command line.
line-length = 100
skip-string-normalization = true

The pyproject.toml file should be put at the root of the project.


Integration to Editor/IDE


For latest version of PyCharm, open settings, and go to Tools --> Black, you can configure how black should be run for a file.

Visual Studio Code

Install the black formatter extension from Microsoft. Open the command plate (shift + command + P), and search Open User Settings (JSON), and open the user setting. Add the following config:

    "[python]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "",
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,


For neovim you can use dedicated formatter plugins from here.

You can also use python-language-server and black as the formatter. The detailed configuration can be found here.

CI/CD integration

GitHub action

For GitHub action integration, please check the official doc:

Azure DevOps

For Azure DevOps, we can add a custom step to check the code formatting:

- script: |
    pip install black
    black --check --diff .    
  displayName: Check code format with black


Ignore the code reformat commit

Create a file named .git-blame-ignore-revs in the project root and add the commit that reformat the code:

# reformat the code using black

Then when using git blame, we can provide this to ignore certain commit:

git blame --ignore-revs-file .git-blame-ignore-revs



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