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Black Formatter Setup for Python Project
··371 words·2 mins
Python Nvim


Show Git Diff When Doing Git Commit
··260 words·2 mins
Git Nvim Vim Diff
Set up true color for nvim and tmux in Zoc terminal and xshell
·468 words·3 mins
Tools Nvim Terminal Tmux
Bracketed Paste Mode in Terminal
··498 words·3 mins
Tools Terminal Nvim Vim


Generating Table of Contents for Markdown with Tagbar
··355 words·2 mins
Note Nvim Markdown Tags Vim
Why Doesn't Jedi Autocompletion Work for Some Methods
··468 words·3 mins
Note Nvim Jedi Python
Vim-like Editing inside Browser
··631 words·3 mins
Tools Vim Nvim


How Is Newline Handled in Python and Various Editors?
··1035 words·5 mins
Technique Nvim Windows Mac Sublime-Text
Deoplete Failed to Load at Startup after Updating Python neovim Package
··473 words·3 mins
Note Nvim Windows CentOS
Fzf Installation and Usage
··772 words·2 mins
Linux Nvim Shell Bash Zsh Plugin
Setting up True Color Support for Neovim and Tmux on Mac
··687 words·4 mins
Mac Tmux Nvim Terminal
Fixing the nerdtree Window Problem with `bd` Command in Nvim
··175 words·1 min
Note Nvim Vim Linux
Vim-like Settings for Tmux
··425 words·2 mins
Linux Nvim Vim Tmux